Gift guide for dancers - Guía de regalos para bailarinas


Valentina vaguada: gift guide, dancers, ballerinas, gift, holidays

Como buena bailarina y amante de la danza, aquí les dejo una guía con algunos artículos que cualquier bailarina amará, ¡yo los quiero todos!


As a good dancer and ballet lover, here i give you a gift guide with some articles that any ballerina would love, I want them all!

1.Ballerina Wall Clock by Christophe Chiozzi from Society6.
2.AGENDA ROSA Motivos para bailar by LuciaBe.
3.Pointe Tote Bag from Capezio.
4.Cage-Front Leotar by capezio.
5.Dancer in blue throw pillow/indoor cover (16"x16") by Ana Varela from Society6.

Valentina vaguada: gift guide, dancers, ballerinas, gift, holidays

6.Don't think just dance from Human.
10.Dancer Iphone 6 Slim Case by Riaora Creation from Society6.

Valentina vaguada: gift guide, dancers, ballerinas, gift, holidays

11.Dirty Dancing Mug by Pendientera from Society6.
12.This Kitchen is For Dancing Typographic Art Print by LittleEmmasFlowers from Etsy.
13.Rhythm Tote bag by Pocket Fuel from Society6.
14.Dance This Notebook!: Moving With Your Creativity by Janaea Rose Lyn from Amazon.
15.Without Dance Whats The Pointe? from Human.

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Este post contiene enlaces de afiliados, esto significa que si haces clic en un enlace y compras algo, podemos hacer una comisión sobre esa compra.

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