Cat Ears DIY - Orejas de gatita DIY


Valentina Vaguada: cat ears, glitter cat ears, birthday party, kitty birthday party, valetosdiy, crafts, DIY, blueLas orejitas de gato fueron super popular el año pasado y aún lo son, decidí preparar una fiesta de Gatitos para un editorial del blog e hice este DIY y quiero compartirlo con ustedes, estas preciosas orejitas de gatita con flores.

Es súper fácil porque encontré en la tienda este cintillo de orejitas ya lista y súper barato solo tuve que seleccionar las flores perfectas para hacer juego con estas orejitas brillantes, al final decidí agregarles unas perlitas para darle el toque final.


Cintillo de orejitas
Pistola de silicón caliente.

Valentina Vaguada: cat ears, glitter cat ears, birthday party, kitty birthday party, valetosdiy, crafts, DIY, blue

Valentina Vaguada: cat ears, glitter cat ears, birthday party, kitty birthday party, valetosdiy, crafts, DIY, blueValentina Vaguada: cat ears, glitter cat ears, birthday party, kitty birthday party, valetosdiy, crafts, DIY, blue

El resultado final es estas orejitas súper “cute” que todas las niñas dela fiesta se querrán poner.


Valentina Vaguada: cat ears, glitter cat ears, birthday party, kitty birthday party, valetosdiy, crafts, DIY, blue

Cat ears were super popular last year, I decided to post a Kitty party deco and did this DIY and wanted to shared with you guys. This awesome flowery cat ears headband.

This is super easy cause I found this realy cute and cheap headband I just had to select the perfect flowers, at the end I decided to add some pearls to get this beautiful final look.

You will need:

Ears headband
Hot glue gun

Valentina Vaguada: cat ears, glitter cat ears, birthday party, kitty birthday party, valetosdiy, crafts, DIY, blue

Valentina Vaguada: cat ears, glitter cat ears, birthday party, kitty birthday party, valetosdiy, crafts, DIY, blueValentina Vaguada: cat ears, glitter cat ears, birthday party, kitty birthday party, valetosdiy, crafts, DIY, blue

At the end you have this beautiful and cute Kitty ears that every girl in the party will love.

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