DIY: Cork Cupholders Place Name Cards - DIY: Tarjetas de Lugar de Corcho


DIY, place name cards, celestial, galaxy, table set, partyblog, party planner, dinner table, NYE, cricut made, cricut

Este fin de semana tuve algo de tiempo libre, así que tomé un par de juegos de portavasos de corcho circulares y los convertí en unas tarjetas de lugar para tener cenas bastante geniales. Esta manualidad es bastante simple y asequible y hará que tu mesa se vea increíble. Como saben, estoy obsesionada con el tema celestial galáctico y esta fue una ocasión perfecta para usarlo, pueden combinarlo con la papelería navideña de La Lilú del año pasado, pueden descargarlo AQUÍ.

  • Portavasos de corcho redondos
  • Pintura acrílica (azul, violeta, negra, blanca y dorada.
  • Cricut
  • Vinilo
  • Papel de transferencia de vinilo
  • Cepillo de pintura
  • Cepillo de dientes viejo
DIY, place name cards, celestial, galaxy, table set, partyblog, party planner, dinner table, NYE, cricut made, cricut

Este proyecto es bastante fácil:

Poner tape en los círculos de corcho, creando una forma de media luna.

DIY, place name cards, celestial, galaxy, table set, partyblog, party planner, dinner table, NYE, cricut made, cricut

Pintar el corcho haciendo capas con diferentes colores para lograr el efecto galáctico y luego, con el cepillo de dientes, salpicar con pintura dorada y blanca para terminar y dejar que se seque.

Crear el diseño de letra y colocarlo en el espacio de diseño de cricut y cortar.

DIY, place name cards, celestial, galaxy, table set, partyblog, party planner, dinner table, NYE, cricut made, cricut

¡Aplicar  diseño al corcho y  a disfrutar!

DIY, place name cards, celestial, galaxy, table set, partyblog, party planner, dinner table, NYE, cricut made, cricut

DIY, place name cards, celestial, galaxy, table set, partyblog, party planner, dinner table, NYE, cricut made, cricut

DIY, place name cards, celestial, galaxy, table set, partyblog, party planner, dinner table, NYE, cricut made, cricut

This weekend I had some free time so I had to do another fun crafty DIY (this crafting thing is kind of addicting) so I took a couple of sets of heat trivet circular cork and turned it into some pretty cool dinner party place names. This simple and affordable DIY will make your table look amazing. As you know I’m obsessed with the celestial galactic theme and this was a perfect occasion to use it, you can combine it with last year La Lilú’s Christmas stationery, you can download it HERE.

You’ll need:
  • Mini Cork rounds (cupholders)
  • Acrylic paint (blue, purple, black, White and gold
  • Cricut 
  • Vinyl
  • Vinyl transfer paper
  • Paintbrush
  • Old Toothbrush
DIY, place name cards, celestial, galaxy, table set, partyblog, party planner, dinner table, NYE, cricut made, cricut

This project is pretty easy:

Tape the cork boards, make a half moon shape.

Paint the cork making layers with different colors to make the galactical effect and then with the toothbrush make splashes with gold and White paint to finish it and let it dry.

Create your letter design and put it in your Cricut design space and cut it.

Apply your design to the cork board and enjoy!

DIY, place name cards, celestial, galaxy, table set, partyblog, party planner, dinner table, NYE, cricut made, cricut

DIY, place name cards, celestial, galaxy, table set, partyblog, party planner, dinner table, NYE, cricut made, cricut

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