reuse bottles
San Valentín con Amigas: Una Mesa Galentine’s - Valentine's with Friends: Galentine’s Table
1/30/2025San Valentín con Amigas: Una Mesa Galentine’s Llena de Encanto y Detalles Vintage
Todo el mundo aquí sabe que amo este día, mi mamá siempre lo hizo espeial para mi, amo celebrarlo y compartir. El Día de San Valentín no solo es para parejas; también es una oportunidad perfecta para celebrar la amistad y la familia. Hoy quiero compartir contigo una idea para una mesa de Galentine’s que puedes crear para un brunch o cena especial con tus amigas, sí porque las amistades también se celebran.
La Mesa, un Viaje a la Elegancia y el Encanto Personal
Mi inspiración para esta mesa combina lo vintage, lo romántico y medio coquette. Cada detalle cuenta una historia:
El centro de mesa:
Para el corazón de la mesa, utilicé mini arreglos de rosas frescas en tonos rosados, complementadas con hiedra de base como si fuera el mantel, dando un toque natural y orgánico.
Añadí velones en forma de corazones que encontré en El Canal, que no solo iluminan la mesa, sino que también aportan una calidez romántica.
Las botellas de vino reusadas:
Siempre guarda botellas vacías de vino para usarlas como floreros, esta vez con unos lazos coquettes y pequeños detalles.
La vajilla:
Usé los platos floreados que compré en Dumé y la vajilla heredada de mi mamá, piezas llenas de historia que aportan un aire nostálgico y encantador. Como plato base, coloqué platos rosa con detalles dorados para añadir un toque de sofisticación.
Cubiertos y cristalería:
La cubertería de plata también heredada de mi mamá agrega un toque de lujo y tradición. Utilicé copas y vasos vintage, cuidadosamente seleccionados, para darle un aire único a la mesa.
Los Detalles finales:
Lazos coquettes en las servilletas y pequeños mensajes personalizados para cada amiga en tarjetas hechas a mano.
El Menú: Brunch o Cena
Puedes optar por un brunch con platos como quiches, frutas frescas, croissants y mimosas, o una cena con pastas, ensaladas ligeras y vino rosado. ¡Lo importante es disfrutar del momento!
El Toque Final: La Magia de Compartir
Este tipo de mesa no solo se trata de estética, sino de crear un espacio donde tus amigas se sientan especiales. Cada detalle refleja amor, tiempo y dedicación, recordándoles lo valiosas que son para ti.
Valentine's with Friends: A Charming and Vintage-Inspired Galentine’s Table
Everyone here knows how much I love this day! My mom always made it special for me, and I love celebrating and sharing it. Valentine's Day isn’t just for couples; it’s also the perfect time to celebrate friendship and family. Today, I want to share with you a Galentine’s table idea that you can create for a special brunch or dinner with your friends—because friendships deserve to be celebrated too!
The Table: A Journey of Elegance and Personal Charm
My inspiration for this table combines vintage elements, romance, and a slightly coquette aesthetic. Every detail tells a story:
The Centerpiece
For the heart of the table, I created mini floral arrangements with fresh roses in soft pink shades, complemented by a base of ivy that flows like a table runner, adding a natural and organic touch.
I also placed heart-shaped candles I found at El Canal, which not only illuminate the table but also add a romantic warmth.
The Centerpiece
For the heart of the table, I created mini floral arrangements with fresh roses in soft pink shades, complemented by a base of ivy that flows like a table runner, adding a natural and organic touch.
I also placed heart-shaped candles I found at El Canal, which not only illuminate the table but also add a romantic warmth.
For the heart of the table, I created mini floral arrangements with fresh roses in soft pink shades, complemented by a base of ivy that flows like a table runner, adding a natural and organic touch.
I also placed heart-shaped candles I found at El Canal, which not only illuminate the table but also add a romantic warmth.
Repurposed Wine Bottles
I always save empty wine bottles to reuse them as vases—this time, I added coquette bows and small decorative details for an extra charming touch.
Repurposed Wine Bottles
I always save empty wine bottles to reuse them as vases—this time, I added coquette bows and small decorative details for an extra charming touch.
The Dinnerware
I used the beautiful floral plates I found at Dumé along with my mom’s heirloom china—pieces full of history that bring a nostalgic and charming feel to the table. As a base, I placed soft pink plates with gold accents to add a touch of sophistication.
The Dinnerware
I used the beautiful floral plates I found at Dumé along with my mom’s heirloom china—pieces full of history that bring a nostalgic and charming feel to the table. As a base, I placed soft pink plates with gold accents to add a touch of sophistication.
Flatware & Glassware
The silver flatware, also inherited from my mom, brings a sense of luxury and tradition. I paired it with carefully selected vintage glasses and goblets to give the table a unique and elegant charm.
Flatware & Glassware
The silver flatware, also inherited from my mom, brings a sense of luxury and tradition. I paired it with carefully selected vintage glasses and goblets to give the table a unique and elegant charm.
Final Touches
Coquette bows on the napkins and small, personalized handwritten notes for each friend add the perfect finishing touch.
The Menu: Brunch or Dinner
For brunch, you can serve dishes like quiches, fresh fruit, croissants, and mimosas. If you prefer dinner, consider pasta, light salads, and a nice bottle of rosé wine. The most important thing is to enjoy the moment!
Final Touches
Coquette bows on the napkins and small, personalized handwritten notes for each friend add the perfect finishing touch.
The Menu: Brunch or Dinner
For brunch, you can serve dishes like quiches, fresh fruit, croissants, and mimosas. If you prefer dinner, consider pasta, light salads, and a nice bottle of rosé wine. The most important thing is to enjoy the moment!
The Final Touch: The Magic of Sharing
This table setting isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s about creating a space where your friends feel special. Every detail reflects love, thoughtfulness, and care, reminding them how much they mean to you.